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Resources for Financial Support in Hawaii
Find information and support to help provide for your family in Hawaii. Financial security is an important aspect for nurturing households. If families are worried and concerned about finances, they are likely in higher stressful situations. There are resources that can help with finances, nutrition, employment and home energy assistance for your family.

Find the Financial Assistance in Hawaii
Hawaii’s Department of Human Services provides programs TANF and TAOF. The goal of the program is to help provide welfare for a limited-time for parents with children.
Do You Need Help Providing Food for Your Family?
SNAP is a program that helps provide food and nutritional support to families that have low-income and those that need it most.
WIC: Women, Infants and Children
WIC is a benefit program that help provide food for households that need it.
First-To-Work Program
This programs helps employ individuals in TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) households to obtain a job and provides training.
Home Energy Assistance Program
This programs helps low income families that needs assistance with their Hawaiian Electric, Hawaii Gas and Kauai Island Utility Cooperative.